Pawel Kuczynski – Artwork, Bio and Analysis of the Polish Artist and Philosopher

Pawel Kuczynski – Polish Artist and Satirist

Who is Pawel Kuczynski?

  • A Polish-born artist, satirist, and philosopher, born in 1976 in Szczecin, Poland.
  • Graduated in 2001 from the University of Fine Arts in Poznań with a degree in graphic design.
  • Began his professional art career in 2004 and has since won over 140 awards in drawing and illustration competitions, including the 2005 Eryk Prize by the Association of Polish Cartoonists.

Art Themes and Style:

  • Kuczynski is renowned for his satirical illustrations, focusing on:
    • Social media and internet culture.
    • Addiction to technology and mobile devices.
    • Contrasts between traditional books and electronic media.
    • Broader cultural and political critiques.
  • His art style is influenced by Caravaggio, particularly in his use of light and shadow.


  • Pawel has produced over 1,000 artworks, including notable pieces like:
    • “Bomb”
    • “Execution”
    • “Facebook”
    • “Fake News”
    • “Propaganda”

Recognition and Career:

  • Primarily works as a freelance illustrator, contributing to magazines, websites, and books.
  • His work is widely regarded for its thought-provoking and often critical commentary on modern societal issues.

Support Pawel Kuczynski’s Work:

  • Prints of his art are available for purchase through his official storefront on Pictorem.

Pawel Kuczynski is a polish born artist, satirist and philosopher.  Pawel’s artwork has been awarded over 140 different awards and commendations including the 2005 “Eryk Prize” by the Association of Polish Cartoonists.  Pawel was born in 1976 in Szczecin, Poland and graduated from the University of Fine Arts in Poznań, Poland in 2001 with a degree in graphic design.

Pawel has been making artwork professionally since 2004.  His 140+ awards come from drawing and illustration competitions.  Pawel now makes his living mostly from freelance illustration for magazines, websites and books.

What Does Pawel Kuczynski Paint About?

Pawel’s paints and draws satirical illustrations that deal with social, cultural and political issues of modern day.  Common subjects of Pawel’s illustration are social media, the Internet, mobile phones and addiction to mobile devices, and books/writing vs. electronic media.

What Artists Influenced Pawel Kuczynski?

Pawel states that a big inspiration and influence for his work was Caravaggio, specifically Caravaggio’s work with light and shadow.  Pawel’s other influences included his peers and contemporaries at the University of Fine Arts in Poznań.

Pawel Kuczynski Artwork and Art Prints

Pawel has illustrated over 1,000 different artworks over his career.  See below for an extension selection of his artwork.  If you’d like to support Pawel’s work, you can order prints through the links provided, they go to Pictorem, his official storefront.


Bomb by Pawel Kuczynski


Execution by Pawel Kuczynski


Abacus by Pawel Kuczynski


Violon by Pawel Kuczynski


Dinner by Pawel Kuczynski


Drink by Pawel Kuczynski


clock by Pawel Kuczynski


Facebook by Pawel Kuczynski


surgery by Pawel Kuczynski


Useful by Pawel Kuczynski


Library by Pawel Kuczynski

“Right Direction”

Right Direction by Pawel Kuczynski


Ocean by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski58 by Pawel Kuczynski


Date by Pawel Kuczynski


amor by Pawel Kuczynski


dinner by Pawel Kuczynski


insomnia by Pawel Kuczynski


trenches by Pawel Kuczynski

“fake news”

fake news by Pawel Kuczynski

“gas station”

gas station by Pawel Kuczynski


odloty by Pawel Kuczynski

“pure soul”

pure soul by Pawel Kuczynski


climbing by Pawel Kuczynski


blacksmith by Pawel Kuczynski


Carnival by Pawel Kuczynski

“stay with me”

stay with me by Pawel Kuczynski


wind by Pawel Kuczynski

“red wine”

red wine by Pawel Kuczynski


hair by Pawel Kuczynski


balloons by Pawel Kuczynski


typewriter by Pawel Kuczynski


workers by Pawel Kuczynski

“good morning”

good morning by Pawel Kuczynski


pearl by Pawel Kuczynski


kiss by Pawel Kuczynski


deeper by Pawel Kuczynski

“sleep of reason”

sleep of reason by Pawel Kuczynski


vr by Pawel Kuczynski


autumn by Pawel Kuczynski

“dream book”

dream book by Pawel Kuczynski

“perfect garden”

perfect garden by Pawel Kuczynski


bath by Pawel Kuczynski


alone by Pawel Kuczynski

“time to rest”

time to rest by Pawel Kuczynski

“Journey with sharks”

Journey with sharks by Pawel Kuczynski

“Dead City”

Dead City by Pawel Kuczynski

“Fried wings”

Fried wings by Pawel Kuczynski


Manual by Pawel Kuczynski


Brexit by Pawel Kuczynski

“eating time”

eating time by Pawel Kuczynski


surprise by Pawel Kuczynski


anchor by Pawel Kuczynski


president by Pawel Kuczynski


immigration by Pawel Kuczynski


life by Pawel Kuczynski


cremation by Pawel Kuczynski


blinkers by Pawel Kuczynski

“coffee man”

coffee man by Pawel Kuczynski

“personal wall”

personal wall by Pawel Kuczynski

“soul “

soul by Pawel Kuczynski


blind by Pawel Kuczynski


journey by Pawel Kuczynski


time by Pawel Kuczynski


snowman by Pawel Kuczynski

“kingdom of destruction”

kingdom of destruction by Pawel Kuczynski


gods by Pawel Kuczynski

“soil pollution”

soil pollution by Pawel Kuczynski

“new technology”

new technology by Pawel Kuczynski


birth by Pawel Kuczynski


wireless by Pawel Kuczynski


Lighthouse by Pawel Kuczynski


control by Pawel Kuczynski


holidays by Pawel Kuczynski


Competition by Pawel Kuczynski


gate by Pawel Kuczynski


SWAT by Pawel Kuczynski


Cat by Pawel Kuczynski


iceberg by Pawel Kuczynski


Propaganda by Pawel Kuczynski


Sharks by Pawel Kuczynski

“driving gear”

driving gear by Pawel Kuczynski


picture by Pawel Kuczynski


Duel by Pawel Kuczynski


Sheep by Pawel Kuczynski


hater by Pawel Kuczynski


words by Pawel Kuczynski


audiobook by Pawel Kuczynski

“flat world”

flat world by Pawel Kuczynski


Pool by Pawel Kuczynski

“warm news”

warm news by Pawel Kuczynski


unrest by Pawel Kuczynski


gardener by Pawel Kuczynski


Decorations by Pawel Kuczynski

“dark industry”

dark industry by Pawel Kuczynski


Awaken by Pawel Kuczynski


Armistice by Pawel Kuczynski


Fishing by Pawel Kuczynski


Love by Pawel Kuczynski

“modern art”

modern art by Pawel Kuczynski


Cleaning by Pawel Kuczynski


Book by Pawel Kuczynski


evolution by Pawel Kuczynski


Fire by Pawel Kuczynski


Girls by Pawel Kuczynski


Bullets by Pawel Kuczynski


Disable by Pawel Kuczynski

“Garden keeper”

Garden keeper by Pawel Kuczynski


office by Pawel Kuczynski


mouse by Pawel Kuczynski


Donation by Pawel Kuczynski


Surfing by Pawel Kuczynski


unrest by Pawel Kuczynski


Beach by Pawel Kuczynski


Boat by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski70 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski69 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski68 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski67 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski66 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski65 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski64 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski63 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski62 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski60 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski59 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski57 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski56 by Pawel Kuczynski


Vote by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski54 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski53 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski52 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski51 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski50 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski49 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski48 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski47 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski46 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski45 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski44 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski43 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski42 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski41 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski40 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski39 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski38 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski37 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski36 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski35 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski34 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski33 by Pawel Kuczynski


PawelKuczynski31 by Pawel Kuczynski


Throne by Pawel Kuczynski

“Pawel Kuczynski 29.”

Pawel Kuczynski 29. by Pawel Kuczynski

“Pawel Kuczynski 28”

Pawel Kuczynski 28 by Pawel Kuczynski


Dollar by Pawel Kuczynski

“Pawel Kuczynski 26”

Pawel Kuczynski 26 by Pawel Kuczynski

“Pawel Kuczynski 25”

Pawel Kuczynski 25 by Pawel Kuczynski

“Pawel Kuczynski 24”

Pawel Kuczynski 24 by Pawel Kuczynski

“Soccer “

Soccer by Pawel Kuczynski

“Pawel Kuczynski 22”

Pawel Kuczynski 22 by Pawel Kuczynski

“Pawel Kuczynski 21”

Pawel Kuczynski 21 by Pawel Kuczynski


Wireless by Pawel Kuczynski


Rocket by Pawel Kuczynski


Descendant by Pawel Kuczynski


Apple by Pawel Kuczynski


War by Pawel Kuczynski


Monument by Pawel Kuczynski


Speech by Pawel Kuczynski


Loop by Pawel Kuczynski


Christmas by Pawel Kuczynski


fishing by Pawel Kuczynski


Freedom by Pawel Kuczynski

“Violin inspiration”

Violin inspiration by Pawel Kuczynski


clown by Pawel Kuczynski

“to the west”

to the west by Pawel Kuczynski

“low battery”

low battery by Pawel Kuczynski

“summer s end”

summer s end by Pawel Kuczynski


Help by Pawel Kuczynski


humanity by Pawel Kuczynski

“gold fishes”

gold fishes by Pawel Kuczynski

“Coffee with milk”

Coffee with milk by Pawel Kuczynski


Hat by Pawel Kuczynski


Cowboy by Pawel Kuczynski


Islands by Pawel Kuczynski


clones by Pawel Kuczynski


Vote by Pawel Kuczynski

“thanks to all for help”

thanks to all for help by Pawel Kuczynski


Cane by Pawel Kuczynski


Garbage by Pawel Kuczynski


Snowman by Pawel Kuczynski


Grece by Pawel Kuczynski


Drone by Pawel Kuczynski

“help (euthanasia)”

help (euthanasia) by Pawel Kuczynski


refugees by Pawel Kuczynski


Freedom by Pawel Kuczynski


Eggs by Pawel Kuczynski


Soul by Pawel Kuczynski


c3po by Pawel Kuczynski


Memorial by Pawel Kuczynski

“TV and Books”

TV and Books by Pawel Kuczynski

“Earn money”

Earn money by Pawel Kuczynski


Circus by Pawel Kuczynski

“concrete mixer ( propaganda )”

concrete mixer ( propaganda ) by Pawel Kuczynski

“Black Mind”

Black Mind by Pawel Kuczynski

“TV sport”

TV sport by Pawel Kuczynski

“Break in transmission”

Break in transmission by Pawel Kuczynski


harp by Pawel Kuczynski


Gossip by Pawel Kuczynski

“love – when the brain takes a break”

love - when the brain takes a break by Pawel Kuczynski


Armistice by Pawel Kuczynski

“fat mouse”

fat mouse by Pawel Kuczynski


coffin by Pawel Kuczynski

“Money on Fire”

Money on Fire by Pawel Kuczynski

“Facebook check”

Facebook check by Pawel Kuczynski


Feather by Pawel Kuczynski

“Dogs play”

Dogs play by Pawel Kuczynski

“Evolution Facebook”

Evolution Facebook by Pawel Kuczynski


Flight by Pawel Kuczynski

“Talent show”

Talent show by Pawel Kuczynski

“Adam and Eve”

Adam and Eve by Pawel Kuczynski

“war correspondent”

war correspondent by Pawel Kuczynski


playstation by Pawel Kuczynski


ISIS by Pawel Kuczynski


Sun by Pawel Kuczynski

“Hot news”

Hot news by Pawel Kuczynski


Monument by Pawel Kuczynski

“Try to stop”

Try to stop by Pawel Kuczynski


Haters by Pawel Kuczynski

“Something in your eye”

Something in your eye by Pawel Kuczynski

“TV Relax”

TV Relax by Pawel Kuczynski


Family by Pawel Kuczynski

“Black Sheep”

Black Sheep by Pawel Kuczynski

“Ark for the singles”

Ark for the singles by Pawel Kuczynski

“Modern Hunter”

Modern Hunter by Pawel Kuczynski

“Peace – Pawel Kuczynski”

Peace - Pawel Kuczynski by Pawel Kuczynski

“Play Station”

Play Station by Pawel Kuczynski


Guitar by Pawel Kuczynski

“Alone in the crowd”

Alone in the crowd by Pawel Kuczynski


Watcher by Pawel Kuczynski

“Razor Gaza”

Razor Gaza by Pawel Kuczynski

“Cat Sandbox”

Cat Sandbox by Pawel Kuczynski

“Razor Cat”

Razor Cat by Pawel Kuczynski

“Black cat”

Black cat by Pawel Kuczynski

“New Weapon”

New Weapon by Pawel Kuczynski

“Sheep Control”

Sheep Control by Pawel Kuczynski