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Stella Karageorgi, PhD
Contributing Writer

Caroline Haller, M.A.
Contributing Writer
Independent Curator Caroline Haller has a MA degree in Art History from Lindenwood University. Haller currently works as a Curator for Art Dealer Street, a platform dedicated to emerging artists. Haller is based in the Raleigh-Durham area in North Carolina and works as a freelance art historian, curator and consultant. Haller’s scholarly interests include late 19th century art, Spanish art and underrepresented mediums of art.
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Asja Nastasijevic, M.A.
Contributing Writer
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Amy Meleca, M.A.
Contributing Writer
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Cinzia Franceschini, M.A.
Contributing Writer
Cinzia Franceschini is an Italian Art Historian specializing in the History of Art Criticism, with a second degree in Communications and Sociology studies. She studied in Padua, Brussels, Turin as well as anywhere with an Internet connection. She works as a guide in Museum Education Departments and as a Freelance Writer. She writes about Contemporary Arts and Social Sciences, and how they intertwine.
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Dea Cvetkovic, M.A.
Contributing Writer
Dea Cvetkovic is PhD candidate in Art History. Her main fields of interest include modern and contemporary art, American art, gender studies, photography, and film. She loves taking pictures, watching movies, traveling, and wandering around museums.
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Saša Vojnović, M.A.
Contributing Writer